Coconut Panna Cotta With A Blueberry #christmas #dessert

Recipe for a vegan Palm Panna Cotta prefabricated out of coconut river. Lidded with a wonderful Shrub Superior. So colorful and creamy. You'll exclusive poorness 5 ingredients. I preferred Panna Cotta before I went vegan. So of way, I had to veganize it. And this Coco Panna Cotta is the perfect plant-based disjunctive to the otherwise dairy unexploded dessert.

I've topped the Coco Panna Cotta with a intelligent and painless blueberry sauce for which you'll requirement only preserved blueberries and maple sweetener. I like the compounding of the crisp Panna Cotta and warming blueberry sauce. Or top it with this Caramel Sauce it's so sound.

  • 1/4 cup white sugar (make sure it's vegan)
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 3/4 teaspoon agar powder
  • 12 oz full-fat coconut milk

  1. In a pot, modify the coco concentrate, the gum explosive, and the human sweeten.
  2. Channelise it a boil, then become the heat. Let it simmer for about 2-3 proceedings after that.
  3. Swarm it into your dishes and let it unresponsive off before placing it in the icebox for at lowest 4 hours. (You could also act this the day before and afford it in the refrigerator long - This is what I did)
  4. To make the bush topping, heat the blueberries in a littler pot and add in the maple sweetening. Let it navigator for near 5 proceedings until soughing and saucy. 
  5. Top the Palm Panna Cotta with the Blueberry topping before bringing and savour.

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