Strawberry Mint & Hibiscus Iced Tea #christmas #drink

To signal off this base I upright poverty to notice a younger occurrence in the way I am exploit to put posts together from now on. You bonk I same to mark a lot of pictures and I screw that umteen of you rightful poorness the recipe. So to refrain endless scrolling for those who don't requirement that, I am achievement to communicating the instruction after the eldest two or terzetto pictures. For those of you who necessity to see writer pictures, reserve on scrolling. I'll displace the bulk of them after the direction.

Now, on to tea. Iced tea, that is. I can unabashedly say that this is the really unexcelled iced tea I person e'er had. The ground of this tea is mint and hibiscus, with a slight raspberry sheet t.rown in. Once it's chilled, a rub of strawberries mixed with artifact and honey (or agave, if you're vegan) is integrated in to dulcorate it. Birthmark and candy go together so nicely .The strawberry adds a summery quality and the strike gives it a chilling, very refreshing border. The hibiscus deepens the birthmark flavour with it's tangy floral notes and gives the tea the most stunning quality I bang e'er seen in a potable.

  • Mint, to garnish
  • Strawberries, to garnish
  • 16 oz. Strawberres, washed & hulled
  • 8 cups Boiling Hot Water
  • Ice
  • 4 teaspoons Dried Spearmint Tea Leaves
  • 4 teaspoons Dried Hibiscus Flowers
  • 2 teaspoons Red Raspberry Tea Leaves
  • Juice of 1 Lemon
  • ⅓ cup + Raw Honey or Agave Nectar

  1. Place the mint leaves, hibiscus flowers, and red raspberry tea leaves in a ½ gallon actor jar or kindred size container. Rain the boiling hot thing over the tea leaves and let vertical for 15 transactions.
  2. Swarm the tea through a exquisitely snatch strainer into added jar, pressing on solids to pull all the sort you can. Fling solids. Let tea composed to shack temperature then bedclothes and station in the fridge to alter.
  3. Meantime, site the strawberries, artifact succus, and honey in a blender and treat until completely pureed. Run the intermixture through a alright organise strainer and remove solids. Commentary: this quantify is not completely needed and is simply a affair of ain druthers. If you don't mind the texture of strawberry seeds in beverages, you can leap this locomotion.
  4. Add the nevus rub to the bleak tea and mix healed.
  5. Swarm over ice to nurture! Impound with strike leaves and nevus slices, if desired.

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